Hey there, welcome to our awesome tool for checking how strong your Magic: The Gathering decks are! Whether you’re super good at Magic or just starting, our MTG Power Level Calculator is here to help you figure out how good your decks are. It’s important to know this so your games are fair and fun, whether you’re playing casually with friends or in a big tournament.

With our easy calculator, you can type in all the cards in your deck and get a rating that tells you how strong it is. This helps you plan your strategies better and make sure your deck isn’t too strong or too weak for the games you want to play.

If you’re tired of games that feel one-sided or you’re not sure if your new deck is too strong for your friends, our MTG Power Level Calculator is perfect for you. Made by people who love playing Magic, it looks at things like how well your cards work together, how your mana is set up, and what your overall plan is to figure out your deck’s power level. Whether you’re just hanging out with friends or getting ready for a big competition, our calculator helps you build decks that make every game of Magic awesome. Let’s make your Magic games even more fun together!

MTG Power Level Calculator

What is an MTG Power Level Calculator and How Does It Work?

A Magic: The Gathering (MTG) Power Level Calculator is a tool that figures out how strong and competitive your MTG deck is compared to others. It looks at different things in your deck, like how many low, medium, and high-cost cards you have, how well your cards work together, how you plan to win, how you can interact with your opponent, and what your overall strategy is. The calculator uses these details to give your deck a number rating that shows its power level. To use it, you enter your decklist into the calculator either by typing it in or by connecting it to a deck-building website. Then, the calculator checks your deck and gives it a rating. This rating helps you understand how good your deck is and decide where to play it—like in friendly games or competitive tournaments. Using an MTG Power Level Calculator can help you improve your deck, make games fairer, and make sure everyone has fun playing.

How to Use an MTG Power Level Calculator Effectively

Here’s how to use an MTG Power Level Calculator well:

  1. Collect Your Cards: Get a list of all the cards you want to use in your Magic: The Gathering deck, including lands and sideboard options.
  2. Enter Your Cards: Put your card list into the MTG Power Level Calculator. You might type them in or use a feature that connects with deck-building sites.
  3. Look at the Rating: Once you’ve put in your cards, check the rating the calculator gives your deck. It’ll probably be a number that shows how strong your deck is. Also, see if the calculator gives you any advice about what your deck does well or where it could be better.
  4. Think About Where You’ll Play: Decide where you’ll use your deck. Are you playing casually with friends, at a local tournament, or getting ready for a big competition? Your deck’s strength might need to change depending on where you’ll play and who you’ll play against.
  5. Make Changes if Needed: Use what the calculator tells you to adjust your deck. You might need to switch out some cards, change how many of each mana type you have, or fine-tune your overall plan to match the power level you want.
  6. Test and Try Again: Once you’ve made changes, try playing with your deck in different situations. See how it does against different opponents and in different games. Then, use what you learn to keep improving your deck and making it stronger.
  7. Ask for Advice: Don’t be afraid to talk to other Magic: The Gathering players or go online to get feedback. Hearing what others think about your deck’s power level can help you see things you might have missed.

By doing these steps, you can use an MTG Power Level Calculator to figure out how strong your Magic: The Gathering deck is and make it even better.

How to Get Started with MTG Arena: A Beginner’s Guide

Starting with MTG Arena is super exciting! Here’s a beginner’s guide to help you jump into the action:

  1. Download and Install MTG Arena: Get MTG Arena from the official website or your favorite digital store. Install it following the instructions.
  2. Create Your Account: Open MTG Arena, make your account with a username, password, and email. Once done, log in and start playing.
  3. Complete the Tutorial: MTG Arena has a tutorial to teach you the game’s basics like casting spells and battling creatures. Follow it to learn the ropes.
  4. Explore the Interface: Look around MTG Arena’s menus and tabs to get familiar with the game. Check out stuff like deck building and managing your card collection.
  5. Build Your First Deck: Try making your first Magic deck. You can start with a pre-made one or build your own using your cards. Mix and match to find what works for you.
  6. Join Matches and Events: Once you’re comfortable, jump into matches and events. There are different modes to try, like Standard and Draft. Play casually or competitively for rewards.
  7. Earn and Open Packs: Playing earns you rewards like gold, cards, and packs. Use these to get new cards and strengthen your decks. Opening packs is like opening presents—you never know what you’ll find!
  8. Learn and Improve: Keep learning and getting better by watching tutorials, reading articles, and watching streams. MTG Arena has lots of resources to help you become a pro player.
  9. Connect with the Community: Join the MTG Arena community on forums, social media, and Discord. Talk to other players, share tips, and stay updated on what’s happening in the game.

Follow these steps, and you’ll be all set to start your MTG Arena journey and enjoy the excitement of Magic: The Gathering in the digital world!

How to Build a Strong Deck for MTG Gameplay

Creating a powerful deck for MTG takes thought and planning. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Decide Your Strategy: Figure out how you want your deck to play. Do you want to be fast and aggressive, slow and controlling, or somewhere in between? Knowing this helps you pick the right cards.
  2. Pick Your Colors: Choose which colors you want your deck to use. Each color has its own strengths and weaknesses, so think about how they work together to support your strategy.
  3. Choose Your Cards: Select cards that fit your strategy and colors. Look for ones that help you do what you want to do in the game, like attacking, defending, or messing with your opponent’s plans.
  4. Watch Your Mana Curve: Make sure your deck has a good mix of cheap and expensive cards. You want to be able to play something every turn, so having a variety of costs helps with that.
  5. Find Synergy: Look for cards that work well together. Maybe one card makes another stronger, or they both help you achieve your strategy in different ways. Combining cards like this makes your deck more powerful.
  6. Use Different Card Types: Include a mix of creatures, spells, and other types of cards. Each type does different things, so having a variety makes your deck more versatile and able to handle different situations.
  7. Test Your Deck: Play games with your deck to see how it performs. Pay attention to what works well and what doesn’t. You can make changes based on how your deck plays in real games.
  8. Stay Updated: Keep an eye on what’s happening in the MTG world. New cards and strategies come out all the time, so staying informed helps you keep your deck strong and competitive.

Follow these steps, and you’ll be well on your way to building a deck that can hold its own in the world of MTG.

Can an MTG Power Level Calculator Improve Your Deck Building Skills?

Yes, an MTG Power Level Calculator can help you build better decks in several ways:

  1. Objective Evaluation: The calculator gives you an unbiased rating of your deck’s strength. This helps you see its good and bad points clearly, so you know what to improve.
  2. Identifying Weaknesses: It can point out areas where your deck might be weak, like not having enough mana at different stages of the game, cards that don’t work well together, or lacking a clear strategy. Knowing these weaknesses helps you fix them when you’re building your deck.
  3. Optimizing Card Choices: The calculator tells you which cards work best for your deck. This helps you pick cards that make your deck stronger and get rid of ones that don’t fit well.
  4. Balancing Power Level: It helps you find the right mix of strong cards and consistency. While strong cards are good, having too many can make your deck less reliable. The calculator helps you find the right balance.
  5. Understanding Card Interactions: By checking your deck’s power level, you can learn how different cards work together. This helps you build decks with better combinations and strategies.
  6. Adapting to Different Play Environments: The calculator helps you adjust your deck for different types of games, whether you’re playing casually with friends or in a competitive tournament. Knowing your deck’s power level helps you make the right changes.

Overall, an MTG Power Level Calculator can give you helpful feedback to become a better deck builder. Using its analysis, you can improve your skills, make stronger decks, and do better in Magic: The Gathering games.

Does Using an MTG Power Level Calculator Enhance Gameplay Experience?

Using an MTG Power Level Calculator can make your gameplay experience much better in many ways:

  1. Balanced Matches: It helps you match up against opponents with similar deck strengths, making games more fair and fun for everyone.
  2. Optimized Deck Building: The calculator’s tips help you build decks that work well together, with good card choices and strategies.
  3. Improved Decision-Making: Knowing your deck’s power level helps you make smarter moves during games, like predicting your opponent’s actions and adjusting your strategy.
  4. Enhanced Learning: Using the calculator makes you think more about how to build decks and play the game better. You learn a lot about what makes decks strong and how cards work together.
  5. Increased Variety: You can make decks with different power levels to have different kinds of games, from relaxed to intense.
  6. Community Engagement: The calculator lets you talk with other players about decks and strategies, making the game more social and fun.

Overall, an MTG Power Level Calculator makes Magic: The Gathering more strategic and enjoyable, bringing players together for exciting matches and discussions.


In summary, our MTG Power Level Calculator is a helpful tool that boosts your Magic: The Gathering enjoyment. It gives you honest assessments of your deck’s power, aiding you in crafting fair and strong decks. This means more fun during gameplay, with matches that are exciting and require strategy. Whether you’re a pro refining your decks or a beginner needing advice, our calculator is here to lift your Magic: The Gathering experience to the next level.


How does the MTG Power Level Calculator figure out how strong my deck is?

The calculator looks at different things like how well your cards work together, how your cards are spread out in terms of cost, how you plan to win, and your overall game plan. It gives you a number that shows how strong your deck is compared to others.

Can I use the MTG Power Level Calculator for any Magic: The Gathering game?

Yes! You can use our calculator for any type of game, like Standard, Modern, Commander, and more. It helps you understand how good your deck is no matter what game you’re playing.

What if my deck doesn’t get a high score from the MTG Power Level Calculator?

If your deck gets a low score, don’t feel bad! Use what the calculator tells you to see where you can make your deck better. Try out different cards and ways to play to make your deck stronger over time.

Is the MTG Power Level Calculator good for people who play just for fun and people who play to win?

Definitely! Whether you like playing for fun with friends or you’re serious about winning tournaments, our calculator can help you make your deck the best it can be.

Can I tell my friends and other players about my deck and its power level?

Yep! You can easily show your decklist and its power level to others. It’s a great way to get advice, talk about strategies, and be part of the Magic: The Gathering community.